20 Sep, 2024

Windows 11 will give you greater control over HDR features

Microsoft has released Windows 11 Build 27686 with some hidden HDR-related changes. As noticed by Phantom on X, one of the hidden features is the ability to “allow HDR video streaming even when HDR is off.” As the name suggests, this basically allows you to stream HDR content without enabling HDR for the entire system. Additionally, the “HDR video […]

1 min read

Ransomware gang deploys new malware to kill security software

RansomHub ransomware operators are now deploying new malware to disable Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) security software in Bring Your Own Vulnerable Driver (BYOVD) attacks. Named EDRKillShifter by Sophos security researchers who discovered it during a May 2024 ransomware investigation, the malware deploys a legitimate, vulnerable driver on targeted devices to escalate privileges, disable security […]

3 mins read

Guide to the Best Laptops for Kids in School

Choosing the right laptop for a student can be challenging. There are plenty of options available, so it’s important to consider the student’s age, grade level, and specific needs when making a decision. This article offers personalized laptop recommendations for students in elementary, middle, and high school. It’s essential to ensure that each student has […]

8 mins read

GitHub Actions artifacts found leaking auth tokens in popular projects

Multiple high-profile open-source projects, including those from Google, Microsoft, AWS, and Red Hat, were found to leak GitHub authentication tokens through GitHub Actions artifacts in CI/CD workflows. Attackers stealing these tokens could gain unauthorized access to private repositories, steal source code, or inject malicious code into projects. The discovery by Palo Alto Networks’ Unit 42 […]

4 mins read

Zero-click Windows TCP/IP RCE impacts all systems with IPv6 enabled, patch now

Microsoft warned customers this Tuesday to patch a critical TCP/IP remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability with an increased likelihood of exploitation that impacts all Windows systems using IPv6, which is enabled by default. Found by Kunlun Lab’s XiaoWei and tracked as CVE-2024-38063, this security bug is caused by an Integer Underflow weakness, which attackers could exploit to trigger buffer overflows […]

3 mins read

New Windows SmartScreen bypass exploited as zero-day since March

Today, Microsoft revealed that a Mark of the Web security bypass vulnerability exploited by attackers as a zero-day to bypass SmartScreen protection was patched during the June 2024 Patch Tuesday. SmartScreen is a security feature introduced with Windows 8 that protects users against potentially malicious software when opening downloaded files tagged with a Mark of […]

3 mins read

Malware force-installs Chrome extensions on 300,000 browsers, patches DLLs

An ongoing and widespread malware campaign force-installed malicious Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browser extensions in over 300,000 browsers, modifying the browser’s executables to hijack homepages and steal browsing history. The installer and extensions, which are usually undetected by antivirus tools, are designed to steal data and execute commands on infected devices. The campaign was discovered by […]

6 mins read

New AMD SinkClose flaw helps install nearly undetectable malware

AMD is warning about a high-severity CPU vulnerability named SinkClose that impacts multiple generations of its EPYC, Ryzen, and Threadripper processors. The vulnerability allows attackers with Kernel-level (Ring 0) privileges to gain Ring -2 privileges and install malware that becomes nearly undetectable. Ring -2 is one of the highest privilege levels on a computer, running […]

3 mins read

Russia blocks Signal for ‘violating’ anti-terrorism laws

Russia’s telecommunications watchdog Roskomnadzor has restricted access to the Signal encrypted messaging service for what it describes as violations of Russian anti-terrorism and anti-extremism legislation. “User access to the messenger Signal is restricted due to violations of the requirements of the Russian legislation whose fulfillment is necessary to prevent the use of the messenger for […]

2 mins read

Black Hat USA: Wi-Fi tracking flaw puts the ‘BS’ in BSSID

LAS VEGAS — Geolocation services for a number of popular mobile hardware vendors can be used to perform widescale Wi-Fi network monitoring, according to a presentation Tuesday at the Black Hat conference here. Researcher Erik Rye of the University of Maryland said that a feature known as a Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID) can be […]

4 mins read