20 Sep, 2024

Hackers targeting WhatsUp Gold with public exploit since August

Hackers have been leveraging publicly available exploit code for two critical vulnerabilities in the WhatsUp Gold network availability and performance monitoring solution from Progress Software. The two flaws exploited in attacks since August 30 are SQL injection vulnerabilities tracked as CVE-2024-6670 and CVE-2024-6671 that allow retrieving encrypted passwords without authentication. Despite the vendor addressing the security issues more than two […]

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Chinese hackers use new data theft malware in govt attacks

New attacks attributed to China-based cyber espionage group Mustang Panda show that the threat actor switched to new strategies and malware called FDMTP and PTSOCKET to download payloads and steal information from breached networks. Researchers found that the hackers are using a variant of the HIUPAN worm to deliver the PUBLOAD malware stager through removable […]

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Russian military hackers linked to critical infrastructure attacks

The United States and its allies have linked a group of Russian hackers (tracked as Cadet Blizzard and Ember Bear) behind global critical infrastructure attacks to Unit 29155 of Russia’s Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (also known as GRU). In a joint advisory published today, the Russian GRU military intelligence hackers, known for deploying WhisperGate […]

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North Korean hackers exploit Chrome zero-day to deploy rootkit

North Korean hackers have exploited a recently patched Google Chrome zero-day (CVE-2024-7971) to deploy the FudModule rootkit after gaining SYSTEM privileges using a Windows Kernel exploit. “We assess with high confidence that the observed exploitation of CVE-2024-7971 can be attributed to a North Korean threat actor targeting the cryptocurrency sector for financial gain,” Microsoft said on Friday, […]

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Chinese Volt Typhoon hackers exploited Versa zero-day to breach ISPs, MSPs

The Chinese state-backed hacking group Volt Typhoon is behind attacks that exploited a zero-day flaw in Versa Director to upload a custom webshell to steal credentials and breach corporate networks. Versa Director is a management platform ISPs and MSPs use to manage virtual WAN connections created using SD-WAN services. The vulnerability is tracked as CVE-2024-39717 […]

6 mins read

Hackers now use AppDomain Injection to drop CobaltStrike beacons

A wave of attacks that started in July 2024 rely on a less common technique called AppDomain Manager Injection, which can weaponize any Microsoft .NET application on Windows. The technique has been around since 2017, and multiple proof-of-concept apps have been released over the years. However, it is typically used in red team engagements and seldomly observed in […]

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Hackers steal banking creds from iOS, Android users via PWA apps

Threat actors started to use progressive web applications to impersonate banking apps and steal credentials from Android and iOS users. Progressive web apps (PWA) are cross-platform applications that can be installed directly from the browser and offer a native-like experience through features like push notifications, access to device hardware, and background data syncing. Using this type of […]

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Hackers use PHP exploit to backdoor Windows systems with new malware

Unknown attackers have deployed a newly discovered backdoor dubbed Msupedge on a university’s Windows systems in Taiwan, likely by exploiting a recently patched PHP remote code execution vulnerability (CVE-2024-4577). CVE-2024-4577 is a critical PHP-CGI argument injection flaw patched in June that impacts PHP installations running on Windows systems with PHP running in CGI mode. It allows unauthenticated attackers […]

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US warns of Iranian hackers escalating influence operations

The U.S. government is warning of increased effort from Iran to influence upcoming elections through cyber operations targeting Presidential campaigns and the American public. In a joint statement from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), the FBI, and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the U.S. says that Iran carried out cyberattacks […]

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Windows driver zero-day exploited by Lazarus hackers to install rootkit

The notorious North Korean Lazarus hacking group exploited a zero-day flaw in the Windows AFD.sys driver to elevate privileges and install the FUDModule rootkit on targeted systems. Microsoft fixed the flaw, tracked as CVE-2024-38193 during its August 2024 Patch Tuesday, along with seven other zero-day vulnerabilities. CVE-2024-38193 is a Bring Your Own Vulnerable Driver (BYOVD) vulnerability in the Windows Ancillary Function […]

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