20 Sep, 2024

Chinese botnet infects 260,000 SOHO routers, IP cameras with malware

The FBI and cybersecurity researchers have disrupted a massive Chinese botnet called “Raptor Train” that infected over 260,000 networking devices to target critical infrastructure in the US and in other countries. The botnet has been used to target entities in the military, government, higher education, telecommunications, defense industrial base (DIB), and IT sectors, mainly in […]

8 mins read

Chinese Volt Typhoon hackers exploited Versa zero-day to breach ISPs, MSPs

The Chinese state-backed hacking group Volt Typhoon is behind attacks that exploited a zero-day flaw in Versa Director to upload a custom webshell to steal credentials and breach corporate networks. Versa Director is a management platform ISPs and MSPs use to manage virtual WAN connections created using SD-WAN services. The vulnerability is tracked as CVE-2024-39717 […]

6 mins read