19 Sep, 2024

Windows driver zero-day exploited by Lazarus hackers to install rootkit

The notorious North Korean Lazarus hacking group exploited a zero-day flaw in the Windows AFD.sys driver to elevate privileges and install the FUDModule rootkit on targeted systems. Microsoft fixed the flaw, tracked as CVE-2024-38193 during its August 2024 Patch Tuesday, along with seven other zero-day vulnerabilities. CVE-2024-38193 is a Bring Your Own Vulnerable Driver (BYOVD) vulnerability in the Windows Ancillary Function […]

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Ransomware gang deploys new malware to kill security software

RansomHub ransomware operators are now deploying new malware to disable Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) security software in Bring Your Own Vulnerable Driver (BYOVD) attacks. Named EDRKillShifter by Sophos security researchers who discovered it during a May 2024 ransomware investigation, the malware deploys a legitimate, vulnerable driver on targeted devices to escalate privileges, disable security […]

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