23 Sep, 2024

DuckDuckGo vs Google: Best Search Engine for Privacy and Speed

Google and DuckDuckGo are two popular search engines, each with its strengths and weaknesses. This comparison looks at their differences in privacy, search results, features, interface, and more to help you decide which search engine is best for you. Your choice of search engine can affect your web browsing experience. Google is the dominant player, […]

6 mins read

North Korean hackers exploit Chrome zero-day to deploy rootkit

North Korean hackers have exploited a recently patched Google Chrome zero-day (CVE-2024-7971) to deploy the FudModule rootkit after gaining SYSTEM privileges using a Windows Kernel exploit. “We assess with high confidence that the observed exploitation of CVE-2024-7971 can be attributed to a North Korean threat actor targeting the cryptocurrency sector for financial gain,” Microsoft said on Friday, […]

3 mins read

Qilin ransomware now steals credentials from Chrome browsers

The Qilin ransomware group has been using a new tactic and deploys a custom stealer to steal account credentials stored in Google Chrome browser. The credential-harvesting techniques has been observed by the Sophos X-Ops team during incident response engagements and marks an alarming change on the ransomware scene. Attack overview The attack that Sophos researchers analyzed […]

3 mins read

Malware force-installs Chrome extensions on 300,000 browsers, patches DLLs

An ongoing and widespread malware campaign force-installed malicious Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browser extensions in over 300,000 browsers, modifying the browser’s executables to hijack homepages and steal browsing history. The installer and extensions, which are usually undetected by antivirus tools, are designed to steal data and execute commands on infected devices. The campaign was discovered by […]

6 mins read

18-year-old security flaw in Firefox and Chrome exploited in attacks

A vulnerability disclosed 18 years ago, dubbed “ Day”, allows malicious websites to bypass security in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari and interact with services on a local network. However, it should be noted that this only affects Linux and macOS devices, and does not work on Windows. For impacted devices, threat actors […]

6 mins read

Google Criticized for Abandoning Cookie Phase-Out

Google has been criticized for its decision to abandon plans to phase out third-party cookies in the Chrome browser, with privacy experts accusing the firm of prioritizing advertising revenue over user privacy. On July 22, Anthony Chavez, VP of the Privacy Sandbox initiative at Google, revealed the tech giant will no longer be deprecating third-party […]

4 mins read

GitHub comments abused to spread Lumma Stealer malware as fake fixes

GitHub is being abused to distribute the Lumma Stealer information-stealing malware as fake fixes posted in project comments. The campaign was first reported by a contributor to the teloxide rust library, who noted on Reddit that they received five different comments in their GitHub issues that pretended to be fixes but were instead pushing malware. Further review by GeekFeed […]

2 mins read

Hackers breach ISP to poison software updates with malware

A Chinese hacking group tracked as StormBamboo has compromised an undisclosed internet service provider (ISP) to poison automatic software updates with malware. Also tracked as Evasive Panda, Daggerfly, and StormCloud, this cyber-espionage group has been active since at least 2012, targeting organizations across mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, Nigeria, and various Southeast and East Asian countries. On […]

2 mins read

Hackers steal banking creds from iOS, Android users via PWA apps

Threat actors started to use progressive web applications to impersonate banking apps and steal credentials from Android and iOS users. Progressive web apps (PWA) are cross-platform applications that can be installed directly from the browser and offer a native-like experience through features like push notifications, access to device hardware, and background data syncing. Using this type of […]

4 mins read

Guide to the Best Laptops for Kids in School

Choosing the right laptop for a student can be challenging. There are plenty of options available, so it’s important to consider the student’s age, grade level, and specific needs when making a decision. This article offers personalized laptop recommendations for students in elementary, middle, and high school. It’s essential to ensure that each student has […]

8 mins read