21 Sep, 2024

Chinese Volt Typhoon hackers exploited Versa zero-day to breach ISPs, MSPs

The Chinese state-backed hacking group Volt Typhoon is behind attacks that exploited a zero-day flaw in Versa Director to upload a custom webshell to steal credentials and breach corporate networks. Versa Director is a management platform ISPs and MSPs use to manage virtual WAN connections created using SD-WAN services. The vulnerability is tracked as CVE-2024-39717 […]

6 mins read

SK Hynix Beetle X31 1TB SSD USB Drive Review

Sometimes you just need a portable SSD. That happened to me recently when building a desktop PC from scratch. After assembling the system, installing all the components, and wiring everything up, I found I needed to install not only Windows 11, but also new networking drivers and a BIOS update, all of which were much […]

2 mins read

Gamescom 2024 Award Winners Announced

Gamescom 2024 flew by too quickly, but now that it has ended, the official awards for the titles that made their way onto the stage have been announced and the results are quite interesting. We did make some great memories at Gamescom 2024, not to mention all the announcements and updates we received around existing titles. Regarding […]

2 mins read

Audit finds notable security gaps in FBI’s storage media management

An audit from the Department of Justice’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) identified “significant weaknesses” in FBI’s inventory management and disposal of electronic storage media containing sensitive and classified information. The report highlights multiple issues with policies and procedures or controls for tracking storage media extracted from devices, and significant physical security gaps in the […]

2 mins read

Happy 33rd Birthday, Linux!

Today is August 25th, which means that Linux turns 33 years old. Grab a glass of your favorite beverage and join me in celebrating the 33rd birthday of Linux! On August 25th, 1991, the 21-year-old Finnish student Linus Benedict Torvalds made his now-famous announcement on the comp.os.minix newsgroup that he’s working on a free operating system for 386(486) […]

2 mins read

GNOME 47 Beta Desktop Released with Many Changes, Here’s What’s New

After a long wait, the GNOME Project released today the beta version of the upcoming GNOME 47 desktop environment series, due out on September 18th, 2024. There’s been a lot of changes added since the alpha version of the GNOME 47 desktop series, and the beta release is packed with lots of goodies, including support for hardware […]

4 mins read

PS5 Pro Was an Open Secret at Gamescom 2024

The existence of the PS5 Pro was long discussed throughout 2024 thanks to various leaks and rumors, but the latest State of Play that aired in late May didn’t feature any announcement for the new hardware. With Summer drawing to a close soon, some fans wondered whether the more powerful PlayStation 5 iteration had been […]

2 mins read

Qilin ransomware now steals credentials from Chrome browsers

The Qilin ransomware group has been using a new tactic and deploys a custom stealer to steal account credentials stored in Google Chrome browser. The credential-harvesting techniques has been observed by the Sophos X-Ops team during incident response engagements and marks an alarming change on the ransomware scene. Attack overview The attack that Sophos researchers analyzed […]

3 mins read

New NGate Android malware uses NFC chip to steal credit card data

A new Android malware named NGate can steal money from payment cards by relaying to an attacker’s device the data read by the near-field communication (NFC) chip. Specifically, NGate enables attackers to emulate victims’ cards and make unauthorized payments or withdrawal cash from ATMs.. The campaign has been active since November 2023 and is linked to a recent report […]

5 mins read

Greasy Opal’s CAPTCHA solver still serving cybercrime after 16 years

A developer that researchers now track as Greasy Opal, operating as a seemingly legitimate business, has been fueling the cybercrime-as-a-service industry with a tool that bypasses account security solutions and allows bot-led CAPTCHA solving at scale. Greasy Opal has been active for more nearly two decades and tailors its tools based on customers’ targeting needs. […]

5 mins read