04 Mar, 2025

Russian cyber spies hide behind other hackers to target Ukraine

Russian cyber-espionage group Turla, aka “Secret Blizzard,” is utilizing other threat actors’ infrastructure to target Ukrainian military devices connected via Starlink. Microsoft and Lumen recently exposed how the nation-state actor, who is linked to Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB), is hijacking and using malware and servers of the Pakistani threat actor Storm-0156. Microsoft released another report […]

4 mins read

Russian hackers hijack Pakistani hackers’ servers for their own attacks

The notorious Russian cyber-espionage group Turla is hacking other hackers, hijacking the Pakistani threat actor Storm-0156’s infrastructure to launch their own covert attacks on already compromised networks. Using this tactic, Turla (aka “Secret Blizzard”) accessed networks Storm-0156 had previously breached, like in Afghan and Indian government organizations, and deployed their malware tools. According to a report […]

5 mins read