Telegram CEO leaves France temporarily as criminal probe continues
French authorities have allowed Pavel Durov, Telegram’s CEO and founder, to temporarily leave the country while criminal activity on the messaging platform is still under investigation. Earlier today, Durov revealed in a Telegram post that he had returned to Dubai after reportedly leaving France from Le Bourget Airport outside Paris. An official at the Paris […]
Telegram captcha tricks you into running malicious PowerShell scripts
Threat actors on X are exploiting the news around Ross Ulbricht to direct unsuspecting users to a Telegram channel that tricks them into run PowerShell code that infects them with malware. The attack, spotted by vx-underground, is a new variant of the “Click-Fix” tactic that has become very popular among threat actors to distribute malware over the past year. […]
Telegram hands over data on thousands of users to US law enforcement
Telegram reveals that the communications platform has fulfilled 900 U.S. government requests, sharing the phone number or IP address information of 2,253 users with law enforcement. This number is a steep increase from previous years, with most requests processed after the platform’s policy shift on sharing user data, announced in September 2024. While Telegram has long been […]
New FireScam Android malware poses as RuStore app to steal data
A new Android malware named ‘FireScam’ is being distributed as a premium version of the Telegram app via phishing websites on GitHub that mimick the RuStore, Russia’s app market for mobile devices. RuStore launched in May 2022 by the Russian internet group VK (VKontakte) as an alternative to Google Play and Apple’s App Store, following […]
Telegram now shares users’ IP and phone number on legal requests
Telegram will now share users’ phone numbers and IP addresses with law enforcement if they are found to be violating the platform’s rules following a valid legal request. According to a newly updated privacy policy announced by CEO Pavel Durov on Monday, Telegram will comply with such requests only after receiving a valid court order confirming that […]
Massive SMS stealer campaign infects Android devices in 113 countries
A malicious campaign targeting Android devices worldwide utilizes thousands of Telegram bots to infect devices with SMS-stealing malware and steal one-time 2FA passwords (OTPs) for over 600 services. Zimperium researchers discovered the operation and have been tracking it since February 2022. They report finding at least 107,000 distinct malware samples associated with the campaign. The cybercriminals are motivated […]
Telegram zero-day allowed sending malicious Android APKs as videos
A Telegram for Android zero-day vulnerability dubbed ‘EvilVideo’ allowed attackers to send malicious Android APK payloads disguised as video files. A threat actor named ‘Ancryno’ first began selling the Telegram zero-day exploit on June 6, 2024, in a post on the Russian-speaking XSS hacking forum, stating the flaw existed in Telegram v10.14.4 and older. ESET […]