25 Mar, 2025

Citrix shares mitigations for ongoing Netscaler password spray attacks

Citrix Netscaler is the latest target in widespread password spray attacks targeting edge networking devices and cloud platforms this year to breach corporate networks. In March, Cisco reported that threat actors were conducting password spray attacks on the Cisco VPN devices. In some cases, these attacks caused a denial-of-service state, allowing the company to find a DDoS vulnerability […]

4 mins read

Microsoft: Chinese hackers use Quad7 botnet to steal credentials

Microsoft warns that Chinese threat actors use the Quad7 botnet, compromised of hacked SOHO routers, to steal credentials in password-spray attacks. Quad7, also known as CovertNetwork-1658 or xlogin, is a botnet first discovered by security researcher Gi7w0rm that consists of compromised SOHO routers. Later reports by Sekoia and Team Cymru reported that the threat actors are targeting routers and networking devices from TP-Link, ASUS, Ruckus wireless […]

3 mins read