04 Mar, 2025

Thousands of credit cards stolen in Green Bay Packers store breach

​American football team Green Bay Packers says cybercriminals stole the credit card data of over 8,500 customers after hacking its official Pro Shop online retail store in a September breach. In breach notification letters sent to affected individuals this week, the National Football League (NFL) team said it immediately disabled all checkout and payment capabilities after being […]

3 mins read

Green Bay Packers’ online store hacked to steal credit cards

The Green Bay Packers American football team is notifying fans that a threat actor hacked its official online retail store in October and injected a card skimmer script to steal customers’ personal and payment information. The National Football League team says it immediately disabled all checkout and payment capabilities after discovering on October 23 that […]

3 mins read

European Space Agency’s official store hacked to steal payment cards

European Space Agency’s official web shop was hacked as it started to load a piece of JavaScript code that generates a fake Stripe payment page at checkout. With a budget over 10 billion euros, the mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) is to extend the limits of space activities by training astronauts and building rockets and […]

3 mins read